Today I’d like to introduce Sheila Renfro, who has published multiple articles on writing as well as a short story in a popular online children’s Ezine called I hope you’ll enjoy her interview.
Q. Please tell us a little bit about yourself and your stories.
A. I am a Clinical Scientist by day, and by night I love to write for children. I’ve been writing since about the 4th grade, but put it aside for many years. Then I found a retired teacher that gave free writing classes, so I joined the group. There I met Pat Weaver and we became writing buddies. This was in Alabama. I moved to Florida 4 years ago, but Pat and I still swap stories. I’m also a member of the SCBWI and I belong to online critique groups. On the personal side, my husband and I have three grown children and a 100 lb. Burmese Mountain dog that thinks he’s a lap dog!
Q. Tell us something about your greatest success and your latest success.
A. My greatest and latest writing success is my story, The Butterfly Swimmer, published on Bedtime-Story Ezine. I’ve also enjoyed winning writing contests and publishing articles in the SCBWI regional newsletters. (Note from Rosco’s Reading Room: Yahoo named the number one children’s story site on the web.)
Q. What has been your biggest challenge. Please explain.
A. My biggest challenge is finding the time to write. I still work about a 50-hour work week, and sometimes weekends, too. My other challenge is sending my manuscripts out–rejection hurts! But with help from my critique partners, I’m getting over this and learning the best way to target the right market for my stories.
Q. What are your plans for the future?
A. I plan to continue to write. I’m working on a chapter book right now and I’m really excited about where it’s going. I plan to continue blogging at where I review books and authors, and give the books away. I find I am building friendships with these authors and looking forward to meeting them at conferences and book signings.
You can find The Butterfly Swimmer, by Sheila Renfro, here:
Follow her blog:
Thanks for reading!
Thanks for sharing such a fascinating interview. I am amazed by this author’s perseverance in spite of her crazy-busy schedule and her honesty about feeling sad when she’s rejected. We would love for you to link up this post with us at the Literacy Musing Mondays Linkup #LMMLinkup
I’d be honored to! Thank you so much!
I’m so glad you joined us!
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Always nice to read about fellow writers. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for reading Aileen!