5 Common Writing and Publishing Mistakes First-Time Authors Make

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Reblogged from A WRITER’S PATH

Photo by Enzo Abramo on Pexels.com

by Savannah Cordova

“Failures are just learning opportunities that have presented themselves successfully.” If you’ve come across that sentiment before, it’s probably because there are countless quotes from numerous successful people about the value of making mistakes. If you’ve read a few self-help books or follow any motivational influencers in Instagram, it may even seem a little trite.

But the reason this idea is so pervasive is because it’s true — especially when it comes to writing and publishing a book! Around every turn is another possible mistake, but that’s okay, because those are also chances to get better and better at conquering this process.

Read the rest of the post here on A Writer’s Path:

5 Common Writing and Publishing Mistakes First-Time Authors Make

One comment

  1. Many novels – even ones accepted by an agent – need to be reworked, re-edited and reworked again. That s how they get better and why all professional authors work closely with a professional editor, supplied via their publisher. You mightn’t yet have that vital support and advice from publishers, but you can get editorial feedback from consultancies like ours. We ll check your manuscript for any structural weaknesses.


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